MacWorks, LLC Achieves Apple MTC Designation to Provide Enterprise Integration of Apple’s Mobile Devices


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On April 24, 2012, MacWorks, LLC achieved Apple’s new MTC – Mobility Technical Competency designation.

The Mobility Technical Competency designation is designed to certify that Apple Consultants have the necessary knowledge of the Apple mobile platform. Consultants reaching MTC status can make valuable recommendations to their business clients who are integrating iOS mobile devices such as the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad in a professional enterprise setting.

A major component of mobile integration for businesses or education is security: limiting or extending the functionality of the device, data security, and the ability to “remotely wipe” or disable the device. With our MTC designation, MacWorks can create a MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution, tailored to your administrative requirements.

We firmly believe that mobile integration of iPads and iPhones in business will be a key component to your companies future success. In addition MacWorks is committed to continuing education to provide our clients with the most up to date technical services.

(Membership in the Apple Consultants Network (ACN) is a prerequisite for the MTC designation along with reaching ACTC Apple Certified Technical Coordinator status. Candidates also are required to attend Apple mobility training courses.)