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Don’t let this happen to your Mac!

Don’t let this happen to your Mac. A simple Safari Browser hijack opens the door to have your Macintosh compromised by disreputable companies masquerading as Apple tech support.

The only way to close the page or tab is to Force Quit the application. Unfortunately, a restart of Safari relaunches the same page and locks up the browser.

To resolve temporarily you can start Safari safely by first Force Quiting and then launching while holding down the Shift Key. A more permanent resolution can be found in the MacWorld U.K. article – http://www.macworld.co.uk/how-to/mac-software/how-clear-safari-cache-3496193/

We can provide remote and onsite support to permanently resolve Mac malware and technical issues. Keep you and your employees productive and avoid costly downtime caused by these malware intrusions. We can be reached at info@macworksllc.com or by phone at 800-700-1673